Love, Joy, Peace...
The Ministries at Hope
Cares Team
We never want anyone to feel lost, forgotten, or like they "slipped through the cracks." This team of people reaches out to those who need help or a caring touch through phone calls, cards, or personal visits. Contact info: Natalie Woodard,
Cleaning Team
We take care of the facilities of Hope Church ourselves. Members of this ministry take turns cleaning and brightening up the inside of our church on a rotating schedule in teams so that our buildings are ready for ministry. Contact info: Dave Berwald,
The Connections Team's purpose is to warmly welcome each person and family into Hope with the desire for them to hear about Jesus and want to have a strong intimate relationship with Him. We do that through our greeters, ushers, and "Hello!" sign wavers. Contact info: Sue Kochanek,
The Deacons are women and men who care for the physical and practical needs of the congregation as outlined in 1Tim. 3:8-13. They are nominated and the voted on by the congregation at the annual meeting. Contact info: Kevin Learned,
Heb. 6:1a "Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity..." No matter where you are in your journey with God, there's always room for growth. One way to foster that growth is through our 1:1 discipleship ministry where you are paired with a same-gendered partner who is further in his/her walk with the Lord and can help nurture you in yours. Contact info for Women: Donna Viens, Contact info for Men: Pastor Brad Peterson,
Granger School
We have a unique relationship with the elementary school near the bottom of our hill where we just show them some love during the school year by purchasing items on teachers' wish-lists, volunteering as readers in the library, or organizing teacher appreciation events. Contact info: Natalie Woodard,
God has gifted us with a beautiful piece of land up on the hill at Hope! It takes several teams of men and women to care for it by lawnmowing, weed whacking, and general pick-up. If you love to be outdoors, this ministry is for you! Contact info: Doug Warner,
New to Hope within the last year? Then you're invited to one of our HopeWarming Luncheons where you'll get the chance to hear about Hope Community Church and its various ministries from leaders in the church. It's also a great way to connect with other "newbies" to Hope! Contact info: Donna & Tom Nasiatka,
Hume & Hume@Hope
Each spring, a large group of volunteers from Hope spend 3-4 days helping prepare a local Christian camp called Hume New England get ready for its busy upcoming season by clearing brush, painting buildings, and general maintenance of the grounds. It has become a "work camp" retreat for us at Hope and a great time of community! In the fall, we have a similar long weekend kind of retreat on the Hope grounds taking care of the many needs on our campus recreating a parallel experience for those who can't take the time away at Hume. Both events are for the entire family. Contact info: Pastor Brad Peterson,
Kids Church
During the message/sermon part of our worship service, kids from age 3 through 2nd grade are invited to attend Kids Church where they have a great time singing songs and receiving a Bible message at their level. Contact info: Monica Lavin,
Meals Ministry
We all go through difficult times and sometimes cooking for ourselves is last on our list of things to do. The Meals Ministry gives anyone an opportunity to provide a meal for someone who could use it during one of those times. Contact info: PJ Saimeri,
Men of Hope
The Men of Hope gather once a month on the 3rd Saturday morning of the month for breakfast and a short devotional. Then for those who are able, there is usually a work project either at the church or someone's house. The men also do other events throughout the year. Contact info: Greg Stokes,
Hope Community Church supports several international and local missionaries and organizations. Some of our international missionaries are located in South Sudan, Guatemala, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. We proudly support some of our own home-grown missionaries in the field, as well! Local missions include the Springfield Rescue Mission and Springfield Pregnancy Center. We are also actively involved in Operation Christmas Child each year. Contact info: Kathie Lee,
There is a welcoming and nurturing place for the littlest ones in our nursery each Sunday morning! Our trained, CORI-checked volunteers love caring for the children while their parents and caregivers attend church and Sunday School! Contact info: Heidi Alger,
Small Groups
Really getting to know others in church is done best in the context of small groups. Each trimester in a year, groups of approximately 8-12 people gather in different locations (people's homes or church) to talk about the Bible, share each other's lives, and get to know one another better. Topics in each group vary; however, usually there is one trimester when each group studies the same topic that coincides with the sermon series. Contact info: Jason Russell,
Social Media
The world communicates through social media and so do we to tell of the saving grace and love of Jesus through Instagram, Facebook, or our website. Contact info: Olivia Rose,
Sunday School
One of our 4 purposes at Hope is Cultivation/Growing in Christ-likeness. We do that, in part, by providing an enriching biblically-based Sunday School program for kids and adults. Pre-schoolers through High School are provided with engaging age-appropriate classes with trained CORI-checked teachers who love God and His Word after Sunday's worship services. Adults are either invited to attend a topical class or a meaningful discussion time about the morning's message. Contact info: Jenifer Russell,
Women of Hope
An active women's ministry happens throughout the year with various Bible studies, meeting at different times. The women also plan outings throughout the year to support one another and enjoy each other's company. Contact info: Donna Viens, & Lori Rockwell,
Celebration/Worship is another one of our 4 purposes at Hope. As believers in Jesus Christ, we worship Him privately and together in small groups and during Sunday gatherings. We have volunteers who serve on our Worship Team as vocalists and instrumentalists who help us with our corporate worship. There are also dedicated people "behind the scenes" who serve on our Tech Team each week with media, sound, and live streaming, all with the goal of bringing the message of Jesus to others so that we may worship Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Contact info: Lou Kochanek,
Young Adult
We have an active group of young adults who get together to support one another in their particular stage of life. Sunday nights at the Cree's house in Westfield is the most regular meeting, but various other activities happen throughout the year. Contact info: Bob Cree, & Karen Cree,
Hope Community Church

152 S Westfield St, Feeding Hills, MA 01030

(413) 786-2445
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