Love, Joy, Peace...
Facility Reservation Request
Please call or text Matt Alger at 850-542-6508 if you need an answer within less than 5 days. Complete this form to request to reserve church facilities. In general, events must be attended by a member or regular attendee of Hope Community Church who will be responsible to open and close the building and make sure the facilities are cleaned after use. For-profit events, weddings, and events hosted by people who do not regularly attend Hope and are not members require the elders' approval and may be subject to a rent or usage fee. No events or activities contrary to Biblical belief and practice will be allowed. Please check the calendar prior to your request. Some private events may not be publicly listed.
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
What is the title of your event?
What date or dates will you need to reserve? (Required)
What time will your event be held? (Required)
Do you need additional time for setup or teardown? If so, please provide the dates and times below.
At the elders, deacons, or facility manager's discretion, you may be asked to use less time for setup/teardown.
Which rooms do you need to reserve? (select all that apply) (Required)
Church Basement
Front Lobby
Cry Room
Church House
Hope Commons (upstairs)
Hope Commons Basement
Church Grounds
How many people do you expect will attend? (Required)
Give the maximum number if you are uncertain.
Who will be responsible for opening, cleaning, and locking up? (Required)
Is this a request for a recurring event? (Required)
If this is a recurring event, please provide the recurrence info.
(List days of the week; weekly, monthly, annually, etc; cancelled for holidays?)
If you have a deadline by which you need to know if the reservation is approved, then please indicate it below.
Call 850-542-6508 if your deadline is within 5 days. (But submit the form first)
Add additional info or comments below:
Hope Community Church

152 S Westfield St, Feeding Hills, MA 01030

(413) 786-2445
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